Ed & Doreen Advocaat
50430 Laulne
Phone nr. 0033 (0) 233478185
Mobile nr. 0033 (0) 637943017

info at
Route Laulne Normandie.
Coming from Le Havre, follow the E46/N13
direction Cherbourg via Caen and Bayeux to Carentan, dont take the first exit
Carentan, but continue underneath the aqueduct and take the very first exit
after the aqueduct direction Barneville-Carteret and Carentan. Turn left and
cross over the motorway you just left. You are on the D971 now and follow the
direction La Haye du Puits.
You'll come across
fice roud-abouts. Arriving on the third one, follow the direction Pèriers an La
Haye du Puits and stay on that road.
After some 15 kms
in the village St.Jores turn left, direction Pèriers (D24). After 6 kms, near
masts, turn right and at the sign -Laulne 3 km-, enter the D342 (a red asphalt
road). Stay on the D342 for about 1km, you'll pass several turns to the left and
to the right and there at last is the campsite entrance ont the left: a gate
with white, blue and green bars. On the left of the gate is our Delft blue
mailbox bearing the name Advocaat. Behind the gate is an old Breton farm cart.
Drive up and you have reached our Domaine Roqueforette. Welcome!

Please pay attention when arriving from the direction Lessay - Pèriers.
You are equally driving on the D24 bus disregard the first sign - Laulne - .
Acting thus, it will keep you away from very small roads and the narrow passage
through the centre of Laulne. Moreover, it is not exactly the shortest way to de
campsite. Continue driving on the D24, and after about 3 kms, turn to the
left and enter the D342, with , on your left, equally the electricity masts.
Coming from this side the sign -Laulne 3 km- is only on the left side of the
road. Next you follow the D342 as prescribed above.
Ook via de D24 maar dan niet
het eerste bord Laulne nemen u rijdt dan via het “centrum” met smalle weggetjes
en is ook omrijden.
U gaat na ong. 5 km op de D24 linksaf de D342 op
met links ook de twee hoge elektriciteit masten, vanaf deze kant staat het
bord Laulne 3km alleen aan de linker kant van de weg. Dan de
D342 volgen als hierboven beschreven
Ed & Doreen Advocaat
50430 Laulne
Phone: 0033 (0) 233478185
Mobile:0033 (0) 637943017